We are Solustrid
What We Do
Incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim trud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex aute irure dolor in reprehenderit velit culpa quis labore dolore magna aliqua.
Мастербатч 70%
СУПЕРКОНЦЕНТРАТ БЕЛОГО КРАСИТЕЛЯ ДЛЯ ПОЛИМЕРОВ WHITE MJ00150FC Основные характеристики: Цвет: Белый 70% Содержание влаги: 0.25% макс. Наполнение красящим веществом: 70% Насыпная плотность: 0.85 г/см3 Полимерная основа: LLDPE ПТР: 20-25+/-5 (грамм/10 мин) Дисперсия: Хорошая Термостойкость: <300 Светостойкость: 8 Стойкость к миграции: 5 Упаковка: Мешок полипропиленовый с влагонепроницаемым вкладышем, 25 кг. Норма применения: от 0,3- 2%.
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/vhosts/promjk.kz/starplastgroup.kz/wp-content/plugins/solustrid-core/elementor-addons/includes/widgets/skill.php on line 189
We are Solustrid
Client’s Reviews
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA
Since vindictively over agile the some far well besides constructively well airy then one during with close excellent grabbed gosh contrary far dalmatian upheld intrepid bought and toucan majestic more some apart dear boa much cast falcon a dwelled ouch busy.
James Shane Well
California, USA